OZTF 1.45 - 30/6/2003 short info about new mod-side server commands You can use it with rcon or in server console modsv commands added: prematch overtime rounds cft gspeed round_time info svinfo autorecord password restart startmatch break clan practice tfstrike tfvsdm duel teamfrags fullts reset clansetup fbskins frj silence grapple ceasefire freeze speedcap flash flag_model grenpacks gibs highlander lights detpack pipedelay grentype sgfire sgtype time commands --------- commands --------- list of commands --------- prematch --------- this sets the prematch time in minutes --------- overtime --------- this sets the overtime in minutes ---- cft ---- this sets the cease fire time in minutes --------------------- info [key value [\]] --------------------- this command allows check/set/remove specified server localinfo examples: info x Infokey x = "" info x he he Localinfo "x" set to "he he" info x \ Localinfo "x" removed ----------------------- svinfo [key value [\]] ----------------------- this command allows check/set/remove specified serverinfo examples: svinfo hostname Serverinfo hostname = "ktpro test" svinfo hostname huh, testing svinfo Serverinfo "hostname" set to "huh, testing svinfo" svinfo hostname \ Serverinfo "hostname" removed -------- restart -------- this one just reloads current map